Blue Cross Change

This is to advise you about an administrative change that the Payroll Department will be implementing regarding the deduction of Blue Cross premiums  for Extended Health Benefits from Clerical/Technical and Custodial/Maintenance/Bus Drivers’ Pay cheques.  Currently, one deduction is made each month which means that there can be a considerable fluctuation in the pay cheque amounts from one pay to the next.  In order to address this concern, effective September 2014, the Division will begin splitting this deduction on a 50/50 basis between the 2 pay cheques each month to help even out cash flow for employees.

We trust that this change will be received positively by your members as this is in response to feedback that we have received.  I will be posting a message on the Clerical Conference to advise the Clerical/Technical Group about this change and will send a memo to Custodial/Maintenance and Bus Drivers.